Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Let the Count Down Begin!

We are a day away from our 30 day countdown! We still need plenty of volunteers, make sure you contact Linda Walsh at 216-538-1358 or at iacpres99@aol.com! She is looking to fill 3 hour shifts which include a festival t-shirt! Also we are so close to having 200 followers on facebook! Be number 200 and receive a 4 pack of tickets for the festival!!!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Follow Us on Facebook

Become our 200th follower on Facebook and you will receive a set of 4 tickets for the Ohio Celtic and International Fall Fest!!!


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ciaran Sheehan

DON'T FORGET this Saturday Ciaran Sheehan will be performing with Sarah Pfisterer at the Mentor Fine Arts Center. Tickets for the event start at $25 or special VIP ticket packages are available for $100. To purchase tickets, click here or call 1.866.967.8167. Proceeds from the event will benefit United Way of Lake County.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


There are only 52 days left till the first day of the festival. Still looking for more volunteers. Don't forget to contact Linda Walsh, Email: iacpres99@aol.com Phone: 216-538-1358. For Children's activities cantact Melanie Kangas, Phone: 330-618-8071

Monday, July 9, 2012

Like us on Facebook

See what other people are saying about Ohio's Celtic and International Fall Fest. Like us on Facebook at:


Watch for games and contests to be posted there, soon.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

United Way to present Ciaran Sheehan on July 14 at 7pm

World renowned Broadway stars Ciaran Sheehan and Sarah Pfisterer, both veteran performers of "The Phantom of the Opera"  will perform Saturday, July 14 at the Mentor Fine Arts Center. Tickets for the event start at $25 or special VIP ticket packages are available for $100.  To purchase tickets, click here or call 1.866.967.8167. Proceeds from the event will benefit United Way of Lake County. 

It was the pleasure of Our Heritage Our Home and Ohio's Celtic and International Fall Fest to help bring Ciaran Sheehan to town for this one day performance.

Sheehan will return to Lake County on Labor Day weekend. He will be performing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Ohio's Celtic and International Fall Fest.  For the times of his performances and a complete schedule of entertainment go to:  http://www.ohiocelticintfest.com/schedule.htm

Remember there are no strangers at Ohio's Celtic and International Fall Fest.
Only friends you haven't met yet.

Friday, July 6, 2012

We're spreading the word about the 2013 Gathering!

Anyone and everyone with Irish roots will be hearing more about The Gathering in the coming months. The Gathering Ireland 2013 is about the people of Ireland throwing open their arms and inviting everyone with a connection to Ireland to come and visit.

Ohio's Celtic & International Fall Fest will have much more
information for those of you who want to participate at the Fest.

The Gathering is about asking anyone who has Irish blood, a link to Ireland, or even just a love of our country – to join us for a series of amazing and diverse events throughout 2013.

The Gathering is a powerful grass-roots movement. By reconnecting with its global community, it will be like completing an electrical circuit. Energy will flow and our community will light up and sparkle with its own vitality. Events will range from clan gatherings where people will discover their roots, to rugby clubs inviting foreign teams to their sevens tournament, and groups of international business colleagues conferencing in Ireland.

It's an unprecedented celebration of Ireland’s global community . . . its past, present and future.

Watch for more details to come at Ohio's Celtic & International Fall Fest this Labor Day weekend. Or visit www.thegatheringireland.com


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Band Change

Hey folks we have both upsetting news and some exciting news. Unfortunately the Bogside Rouges are unable to make it to the first year of the Ohio Celtic and International Fall Fest. But on the other hand we were able to book another band, The Fenians. Hailing all the way from Southern California these lads are going to have you jumping out of your seats asking for more. They will be performing on Saturday and Sunday so make sure you come and check them out!